Shanice Jones interprets "Cate Sharper"
Shanice Jones, born in Washington DC, recently graduated from Salisbury University with a Bachelor’s in Theatre and minor in Music. Along with this internship, she was recently titled the Company Stage Manager of Artists’ Initiative Theatre Company and is currently acting in a show called “Language of Angels” at Bowie Community Theatre. Shanice also is attending school to earn a Masters in Business Administration, while working full-time with the government. Her future goals include obtaining her PhD in Theatre History and Criticism and to be a college professor of the arts.
Shanice on the Museum Theatre Program and the National Colonial Farm: “One of the craziest experiences that happened so far was when I was working in the fields on my first day and I almost passed out because I thought I couldn’t handle the heat without no water or food on my stomach. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but it’s funny to think back on it now.”

Mariah Fry interprets "Jemima Bolton"
Mariah Fry grew up partially in Phoenix, AZ and in Alexandria, Va. She has a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree in Theatre Education from Arizona State as well as a Master of Arts in Literacy from George Mason. Mariah has been a theatre instructor at Glasgow Middle School as well as a docent at Carlyle House in Virginia.
Mariah on the Museum Theatre Program and the National Colonial Farm: “Being a part of the Museum Theatre Program basically combines my favorite things: education, theatre and history which will give me plenty of excitement to bring back to my classroom in the fall. Since working here I feel like I am no longer a “damsel in distress” when it comes to insects. On my first day we had to kill squash bugs in the field with our fingers, after that a shoe is an easy step up!”

Lindsey Mitchell interprets "Chloe Bolton"
A recent graduate from Shenandoah Conservatory in Virginia, Lindsey Mitchell earned the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting. She’s participated in many different theatre productions including: Titus Andronicus, The Miracle Worker, Doubt, The Comedy of Errors and Lysistrata.
Lindsey on the Museum Theatre Program and the National Colonial Farm: “Thus far, my internship accomplishments include learning to card and spin wool, working with and recognizing various plants and mustering up the courage to kill squash bugs with my hands! I hope to learn much more about this exciting time period during the next month.”

Abby Barber interprets "Annake Higdon"
Originally from Prince George’s County, Abby Barber remembers visiting the National Colonial Farm growing up. She is currently an undergrad student at Shenandoah University pursuing a BFA in Theatre for Youth. Some of her favorite roles on stage include Maria in Lend Me a Tenor and Gertrude McFuzz in Seussical. She hopes to one day tour with the Missoula Children’s Theatre and never stop doing the many aspects of theatre.
Abby on the Museum Theatre Program and the National Colonial Farm: “Despite the many challenges of this career, theatre is what I must do because it is what I have to thank for helping me understand and feel connected to those around me. Thank you, National Colonial Farm for this opportunity to learn. Here’s to getting over my fear of bugs and squishing more hornworms!”

Valerie Holt interprets "Elizabeth Bread Higdon"
Valerie Holt is a lifelong theater and history enthusiast, who relishes the opportunity to learn what to do when you’re left alone with cows that have jumped over the fence, among other things. A graduate of Queen Anne School, Valerie will enter St. Mary’s College of Maryland in the fall. As a local resident of Ft. Washington, she can often be seen performing with the Tantallon Community Players, where she has had such roles as Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird, Amy in Little Women and, most recently, Cinderella in Into the Woods. She hopes to continue working in “living history” at Historic St. Mary’s City.

Jeannette Wheeler interprets "Charity Bolton"
Jeannette Wheeler is currently a student at Towson University pursuing a degree in Elementary Education with a Social Science minor. Her experience includes some children’s productions sanduch as Alice in Wonderland, Charlotte’s Web, and The Princess and the Pea.
Jeannette on the Museum Theatre Program and the National Colonial Farm: “This internship has been a wonderful learning experience that has tested my limits in acting and history and lengthened them. I have learned so much and look forward to learning more. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. Thank you, Matt Mattingly, Lisa Hayes and the entire Accokeek Foundation staff. It truly has been the experience of a lifetime.”